Monday, August 21, 2006

Land Swoopers in SL PWND!

Today, I tried a little experiment. What's all this fuzz about "land swoopers" in Second Life? After the latest outry on the SL Forums, I got curious about these "folks".
So, I tested what was described in this post. I tried to sell my parcel to myself, for 1L$. Accidently forgetting to set it to sell to only myself...JUST SECONDS after I did that, Jimbo Spinnaker appeared at the scene. I reset the price immediately upon seeing an avatar shape form (in transit/TP), cause this is kind of strange. Who are these guys? How did they get here so fast? Answer: They exchanged their comfortable camping chairs right in-front of their favorite trailer park with clicking the Seach button in the Land Sales directory over and over and over and over again...for hours and hours. MANNN That's gotta be boring. But I have no other explanation for this... Either that, or they were just LUCKY to find a parcel for sale for 1L$....So, happy, that they decided to bring all their friends - obviously wearing the same group tag, "SL Estates Agents". Priceless! One even brought all his toys for tots! I was impressed. The dialog that followed was also very amusing. The "CEO" of "SL Estates Agents" threatened me, that I would get a 3 day suspension for this and that "well see what philip linden thinks".
It's due time that something is being done about this blatant form of theft in SL. If I was indeed a new resident in SL, this could very well have been my first, most costly and last mistake, before I cancelled the account out of frustration. I'd like to dedicate this entry to all the victims of these land-swooper-pooper-wannabe-mafia-gangsta...mommiedoyouhavecookiesformetoday-thugs!?!


Blogger Siobhan said...

Gotta laugh at them really... in fact, nect time you do that, organise a flashmob from #secondlife first. I'm sure they'll just love ARing everyone.


5:08 PM  
Blogger ▓▒░ TORLEY ░▒▓ said...

Hahaha... what sio said must be caught on digital videotape!

There are things that "aren't against the law" but are just plain mean and prey on other people's good faith. It's kinda like those scams, when you walk down a street and someone bumps into you intentionally and claims you broke their glasses, then tries to accost you for paying for them.

Good thing we're getting an upgraded Sell Land dialog:

Tools don't stop bad social behavior, but they can least induce some "good friction".

Too funny Dom. =)

5:18 PM  
Blogger Ellen Williams said...

Thank You!

Thank you for doing this article! This post did exactly as I had hoped! It exposed this practice even more, but in the mean time I lost 17,000 Lindens! Thank you again and if this was not a serious issue there would not be 10 pages on the forum of comments!

7:24 PM  

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